“Oh happy day, happy day
You washed my sin away
Oh happy day, happy day
I’ll never be the same
Forever I am changed” ~Tim Hughes
You washed my sin away
Oh happy day, happy day
I’ll never be the same
Forever I am changed” ~Tim Hughes
It’s a real ‘Happy Day’ for me; in fact everyday of last week was a happy day. But today is the peak as I finished a challenge which I took exactly 7 days back. It’s a challenge on real food for weight watchers; no junks. And I’m extremely happy after enjoying ‘real’ food for a week and also shedding 1.8 kg by enjoying meals (no exercise at all).
I’ve always been a big foodie and my inclination is always on junks no matter what. Since I’ve started food blogging everyday I’m learning something new in the culinary world. And internet is such bliss to learn anything new or expertize on your existing skills. As nothing comes free in our world my case is not an exception. And as a result of my newly installed passion my jeans became tighter day by day. More indulgence was formed heavier I became.
Recently on festival phrase my dessert craving was on full swing. Another fat slab was added to my body. Then I decided to take a little step towards a healthy and fit life. And last week finally I gathered my energy and started eating proper food. Here by proper food I mean perfect balance of protein, carbohydrate, healthy fat and other nutrition. By the process I also learnt low calorie food doesn’t mean to be boring food. I’ve learnt to keep the balance between taste and health. So I thought to share these recipes to shed off your extra flab by eating tasty food. These recipes will be found under ‘Low Calorie recipe’ from the menu.
Let’s start with one of our favorite which we need on regular basis and what else it can be apart from condiment! This pesto is not your regular basil or sun dried tomato pesto; it is Broccoli Pesto. It may sound weird but when you will hear it contains only 8 calorie per serving (1 tbsp=15g) where average store bought Basil Pesto gives you 58-72 calorie per serving (1 tbsp=15g) it will definitely give you a big kick.
Here you go for the recipe of Skinny Broccoli Pesto.
Preparation Time: 05 mins
Cooking Time: 15 mins
Resting Time: 00 mins
Total Time: 20 mins
Yield: 2 cups
Fresh broccoli: 500g
Fresh garlic: 8-10 cloves (increase/decrease the amount according to your taste)
Almond: 10 (optional)
Extra virgin olive oil: ¼ cup (if desired)
Lemon juice: 1 tbsp
White pepper powder: 1 tsp (optional)
Salt: 1 tsp (or to taste)
Food processor / Blender
Dry & clean glass bottle (or glass bowls with lid) to store
Wash and clean broccoli and garlic. Roughly chop into small florets. Blanch the broccoli florets in hot water for 4-5 mins. Then remove and immediately hold them under running water for few secs. This will help to keep the fresh green color unchanged. Remove the florets from water and pat them dry as much possible.
Blanch the almond in hot water and peel off the skin.
Throw everything in the food processor except oil. Process for few mins or until everything seems to be smashed (don’t use water at all).
Keep the processor running and start pouring the oil in a steady flow. Within few mins everything will come together and will produce a nice smooth paste. Adjust the seasoning and stir lightly is necessary. If you are using regular mixer simply pour the oil, give it a light stir and blend for few seconds.
Voila! Enjoy your Skinny Vegan Broccoli Pesto on bread/ tortilla as spread or with your salad or any other way you like to have your favorite pesto. I’ll share what I’m doing with it soon. I baked two batches of Braided Bread stuffed with Broccoli Pesto and here is the recipe of it http://www.scratchingcanvas.com/2014/01/broccoli-pesto-stuffed-braided-bread.html
Store the Skinny Vegan Broccoli Pesto in a clean and dry airtight glass jar. Any glass bowls with lid will also work fine. This pesto can be stored in refrigerator up to 5 days.
Eat Tasty, Stay Healthy!
Sending this to http://zestysouthindiankitchen.com/2014/02/hearth-soul-blog-hop-feburary-3rd-2014.html
wow such an healthy and nutrients filled pesto 🙂 Love broccoli in any form very interesting recipe !!
Beautiful clicks and a lovely post Rimli..love that gorgeous green color of the pesto !!