Aam Doi Chire and Load-Shedding with Taal Patar Hath-Paakha, A Nostalgic rant from Summer of 90’s.
I hate this month of May, I’ve always been keen to bid adieu to this particular month since childhood. Our summer vacation used to begin in 1st week of May meaning 3-4 weeks of confinement which was no fun back in 90’s. The scorching sun made sure to ruin our outdoor activities and mammoth sized home tasks were back at home waiting for us. Bonus my school used to arrange surprise tests after reopening. I never realized how one was expected to have fun in summer vacation!
But there were elements to balance my fun quotient. One is Mango, only because of this I can tolerate summer. And second is power cut; I still prefer the term ‘load shedding‘, we north Calcuttan of 90’s are grown up with. No sane person will say power cut is likeable but that was my hope to bunk my school assignments.
We didn’t have emergency lights back then; candles, kerosene lamps were all we had which were also numbered. As a result free tickets for us to play on roof. Bowls of Aam Doi Chire were passed to cool down our growling stomachs and ‘taal patar hath paakha‘ (handmade fan) were given to keep sweat away. Counting the stars with cousins while licking off traces of mango and Mishti Doi from our fingers used to freeze time for us.
It was the time when we learnt to combat the uncanny feeling from darkness during load-shedding (power cuts), , the excitement in fighting with cousins, sharing our favourite ‘Desh‘ and ‘Anandamela‘, to relish the invention of doing nothing on purpose. And all these memories knitted with sweet aroma of ripe mangoes mixed with chire, beaten rice/poha with generous dollop of Mishti Doi.
These are the best moments from my summer of 90’s, so is Aam Doi Chire.
Aam Doi Chire literally means mango, yogurt and beaten rice. It may sound nothing but three separate ingredients to you but it means a whole childhood to me, a kid of 90’s.
Aam Doi Chire Recipe
Read the entire recipe and Notes carefully before you start cooking. Do make sure all ingredients are at room temperature (unless mentioned) and we or measured correctly in appropriate weighing scale or measuring instruments such as cups or spoons. Remember these are not regular cups or spoons which is used in daily life.
- Mishti Doi, chilled: 400g
- Chire, beaten rice: 250g
- Fully ripe sweet Mango, large sized: 4
- Desiccated Coconut: ½ cup
- Cashew nuts: ¼ cup
- Raisin: ¼ cup
- Wash Chire under running water twice. Be careful while washing not to break grains.
- Soak raisin in a bowlful of water for 10 mins at room temperature.
- Peel mangoes, discard seeds. Roughly chop 2 of them and make smooth puree with rest 2 of mangoes.
- In two large bowls equally divide chilled Mishti Doi, Mango puree, washed Chire. Top with chopped mangoes, desiccated coconut, cashew and raisins.
- You can add 1-2 tsp sugar in mango puree if mangoes are not sweet enough.

Have you tried/cooked any of the recipes from my blog Scratching Canvas?
If yes I would love to know your feedback and opinion. Take a picture of your food and share on Instagram with the hashtag #scratchingcanvas. Or simply drop me a message @rimleed I will share your picture and opinion as well. See you there 🙂
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