aankho aankho mein hotay hain gum
Dil bole boom boom
haaan boom boom”
For Chicken:
Mix all together and keep aside for 1 hr. at least.
Heat oil in a wok and add chicken pieces. Fry until chicken is done.
Remove the chicken pieces from oil and keep them on paper towel.
Now take another wok and add 2 tbsp of oil. Heat it on high flame. Add onions and fry on high flame until onions are slightly caramelized.
Add ½ cup warm water and wait until you can see bubbles near edges.
For Noodles:
Noodles: 1 packet (2 servings)
Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper; toss well. and remove from the pan immediately.
Beat the raw egg in a small bowl. Add salt. Heat 1 tsp oil in the same pan and add the beaten egg. Make it crumble and mix with the noodles.
I loved these Indo-Chinese items. I'll be doing this one this week. Just the right amount of heat for a fall evening.(Frank in Minnesota)
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Chinese Chilli Chicken
Very descriptive